Réservez votre taxi en un clic!


Welcome to Taxiline, the leading taxi application catering to clients in France. Our platform takes pride in offering unparalleled transportation services throughout the country, featuring a diverse range of vehicle options meticulously tailored to meet your unique needs. Whether you require a spacious van, a versatile break, or a classic taxi, rest assured that we have the perfect choice awaiting your selection.

At Taxiline, our unwavering dedication revolves around ensuring that our clients enjoy an exceptional and memorable experience. That's why we go above and beyond by providing an array of additional services that elevate your ride to new levels of comfort and convenience.

Recognizing the significance of your furry companions, we offer a complimentary pet-friendly option, allowing you to bring your beloved pets along for the journey. Moreover, we have taken meticulous care to accommodate the diverse needs of our clients, offering specialized options such as “baby seats” and custom arrangements for individuals with disabilities, ensuring that every passenger can travel with utmost comfort and safety.

Our platform has been thoughtfully designed to provide you with a seamless and user-friendly experience. Booking a ride through our intuitive app is a breeze, granting you the flexibility to choose the ideal vehicle option that perfectly suits your preferences. Each of our drivers undergoes a rigorous selection process and receives comprehensive training, guaranteeing that they consistently provide you with a comfortable and enjoyable ride. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, our drivers possess the necessary tools to navigate the bustling city streets efficiently and ensure your safety throughout the journey.

In addition to our exceptional service, Taxiline offers a diverse range of payment options, allowing you to select the method that best aligns with your preferences. Whether you prefer the convenience of cash, the ease of a credit card, or the simplicity of online payment, we have you covered. Furthermore, our platform provides real-time updates on your ride, enabling you to plan your day with utmost ease and convenience.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude for choosing Taxiline as your preferred taxi application. Rest assured, we are fully committed to delivering transportation services that surpass your expectations, and we eagerly anticipate the opportunity to serve you.

TaxiLine Privacy Police:

- Data Collection :

  • Personal Information : When you create an account or use our App, we may collect necessary personal information such as your name, email address and phone number.
  • Location Information: In order to offer you reliable transportation services, we gather your location information through our App. This allows us to connect you with nearby drivers and provide you with accurate estimates for their arrival times. To accomplish this, we collect precise or approximate location data from your mobile device, provided you have granted us permission through your device settings.

- Data Usage: :

  • User location data is used to match the closest available drivers and provide accurate estimated arrival times.
  • We receive precise or approximate location data from users' mobile devices when the Taxi Line app is running in the foreground (app open and on-screen) or background (app open but not on-screen).
  • We may collect information about how you interact with our App, such as the features you use, the pages you visit, and the actions you take. This information helps us improve our services and enhance your user experience.
  • We do not share user data with any third parties without explicit consent, except for legal or safety requirements.

- Data Security :

  • We employ industry-standard security measures to protect user data from unauthorized access, loss, or alteration.
  • User data is encrypted during transmission and stored securely on our servers.
  • We regularly monitor and update our systems to ensure data security.

- Sharing of Information :

  • Drivers : We share your location information with our drivers to enable them to pick you up and provide transportation services.

- User Rights :

  • Users have the right to access, modify, or delete their personal information from our systems.
  • Users can withdraw consent for data collection and processing at any time.
  • Users can request information about the data collected and its usage.
  • Users have the option to enable or disable location sharing through your device settings or App preferences.

- Compliance :

  • We comply with applicable data protection and privacy laws and regulations.
  • We retain user data only for as long as necessary to fulfill the intended purposes.

- Changes to the Policy :

  • Any updates or changes to the policy will be communicated to users through appropriate channels.
  • Users will have the option to review and accept the updated policy.

- Contact Us :

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or our data practices, please contact us at [email protected]

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